Everyone's life has an end. We must face the real life calmly, seize every moment of the present, and be kind to ourselves.
郭港生 Eddie Kuo, 2017
Eddie Kuo
November 7, 1940—May 30, 2024
The Kuo family can be traced back to the famed Tang dynasty military general Kuo Tzu-i (697-781). Eddie was born on November 7, 1940 in Hong Kong while his father, Kuo Pin, worked for the Nationalist Chinese Military Intelligence. Eddie was the fifth of six children and the youngest son of the family. The family settled in Taiwan in April 1949. and lived in Taipei City.
In Taiwan, Eddie attended Taipei North Normal Elementary School, Taipei Jianguo Middle School, and Taipei Qiangshu High School. Eddie inherited his father's Whampoa (Huangpu) spirit and became a graduate of the 32nd class of the R.O.C. Military Academy in 1959. After graduation in 1963, he received a scholarship to enter the third year of Civil Engineering Department at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). After graduating from NCKU in 1967, Eddie met his sister's classmate, Susan, and got married in the same year. After getting married, Eddie went to the United States twice for graduate studies. By 1975, he obtained a Master of Science in Chemistry, a Master of Engineering in Sanitary Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, all from the Pennsylvania State University. Eddie then returned to Taiwan and taught at his alma maters, NCKU and the R.O.C. Military Academy, in southern Taiwan. During that time, he also served as a consultant to military and government agencies on water pollution issues. Eddie spent most of his time in southern Taiwan and only came back to Taipei on the weekends.
In 1982, Eddie and Susan joined the rest of the extended Kuo family from Taiwan to the Bay Area, in order to provide a better future for their children. Eddie first served as the laboratory director of the City of Pacifica. In his spare time, Eddie worked on obtaining professional licenses in real estate, construction and financial planning. Kuo Realty was established in 1985 as a side hustle. In 1991, Eddie retired from the city and started focusing in real estate full-time. Over the past thirty years, Kuo Realty has helped many new immigrant families in the San Francisco Bay Area, and Eddie and Susan also became close friends with many landlords and tenants.
Susan loved music and the choral arts. Eddie accompanied Susan to sing in the Dragon Singers for for almost forty years. Every Friday night, Susan and Eddie were the first ones at weekly practice, unlocking the door and setting up chairs for everyone. Susan was gentle, kind-hearted, and friendly, and her love was felt by everyone she knew. Eddie was smart, witty, warm-hearted with great sense of humor.
Eddie & Susan loved their family, friends, and their local community. Their spirit will be carried by all of us and they will be forever in our hearts.
郭家祖籍發源系出唐代名將領郭子儀及歷代先祖。Eddie Kuo(郭港生)於民國二十九年(一九四十年)十一月七日出生於香港,那時父親郭斌在參與軍統行列,追隨戴笠將軍。他在六個孩子中排行老五,也是最小的男孩,下有妹妹。民國三十八年之後(一九四九年)父親隨中華民國政府轉進臺灣,擔任國防部保密局設計委員,全家定居台灣,住在臺北市木柵(文山)區。
Eddie 在一九四六年就讀南京中大附小。在台灣先後就讀台北北師附小、台北建國中學初中、台北強恕中學高中。Eddie 繼承了他父親的黃埔精神,一九五九年進入鳳山陸軍官校三十二期,一九六三年畢業後並獲得了獎學金進成功大學土木工程學系三年級。一九六七年於成功大學畢業,也透過妹妹 Kathy (郭龍生) 結識了她文山中學裡最優秀的女同學 Susan (楊旭香),同年結婚。 結婚以後,Eddie 考取國防公費兩度去美進修,兩次單獨在美國度過了4年時間,獲得了賓州州立大學的化學理碩士、環境工程碩士、和土木工程博士學位。Susan 隻身在台,照顧二個女兒。一九七五年,Eddie 回國後在南部母校成功大學和陸軍官校任教。在那段時間裡,他還擔任軍事和政府機構的顧問,解決水污染問題。大部分時間都在台灣南部,只在週末回到台北。
一九八二年,為了提供子女更好的未來,Eddie 和 Susan 放下台灣三十年的基業,抱著 “肯吃苦, 願上進” 的決心,帶著兩個女兒, 八件行李,舉家移民到美國北加州。初任柏思斐克市 (City of Pacifica) 實驗室主任,為了興趣,上班之餘,取得地產,營建及設計專業執照。一九八五年開創郭氏實業,雙管齊下,Eddie 還花時間學習投資理論、財務規劃、稅務規劃、退休和遺產規劃,以更好地了解如何在這個國家生存和發展。終於在 一九九一 年退休,從此就專業地產業務。 這三十多年來,郭氏實業在舊金山灣區幫助了許多新移民家庭,Eddie 和 Susan 也朝夕相處,和無數房東、房客成為親密朋友。
Susan 熱愛音樂和合唱藝術。Eddie 婦唱夫隨陪伴她一同來龍吟合唱團唱了將近四十年。每個星期五晚上,Susan 負責開門,Eddie 排坐位椅子,和愛好音樂歌唱的好友來練合唱。Susan 性情溫和、心地善良、待人親切,認識的人都能感受到她的愛心。Eddie 聪明机智,遠見卓識,对人厚道, 熱心慷慨, 幽默风趣。他們的生活豐富多彩。他們辛苦了一輩子,照顧家人、關心朋友、協助他人、熱心良好。現在他們在另一個世界雲遊四海。希望大家都一直保留他們歡樂的面孔和善良的心態。他們永遠活在我們的心裡。
Sharing by Howard Woo
Ladies and gentlemen, I lost my dear friend Eddie on Thursday, May 30 of this year. We were college classmates in Taiwan and reunited in early 90’s in the Bay area. He was truly my friend and someone I could depend on. Eddie was originally in a military academy. He was so amazingly bright that he was encouraged to enhance his education by going to an elite university in 1963. He was therefore older than me and other classmates. Now I want to say a few things about Eddie’s character. He was kind, smart, loving, humorous, compassionate, generous, and courageous. Eddie was a good-hearted person who truly loved helping others.
During Eddie’s college years in Taiwan, he was a top academic performer, always showed his genuine friendship towards his classmates. For example, he volunteered to act as an instructor for those who needed help to reviews areas of potential problems that might show in the quizzes. Believe it or not, his predictions most of time were right on the target. Many classmates were thankful for his help.
Eddie worked very hard and was an excellent student at schools from colleges to graduate school. One story about his years at Penn State where he obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering, was amazing! It started with a mid-term test on an important course and his professor gave him a grade of B-. He was so surprised and immediately went to his professor, presenting his preparation materials to substantiate core areas for this course as if he were the one to provide test problems. Afterwards, his professor was convinced that Eddie was knowledgeable about the subject in depth. Guess what? His professor changed the grade to A. After Eddie got the PhD, he returned to the military academy and ultimately obtained the rank of Colonel. After 20 years’ military career, Eddie reentered civilian life in 1982.
Eddie found his true love in the real estate business in 1985. As a result, he resigned from a senior staff engineer job in City of Pacifica in 1991 despite his outstanding performance. Since then, he became a problem solver ranging from property sales and investment, household fixing, to underground contamination issues. Many people benefited from his excellent services and became his friends.
Eddie’s life was colorful. He had a demeanor constantly adding positive energy to those people surrounding him. He was the most intelligent and well-rounded intellect I have ever come across. As Eddie’s friend, I salute him from the bottom of my heart.
分享 - 烏華奎先生
港生從大學到研究所學習非常努力,他都是優秀的學生。有一則關於他在賓夕法尼亞州立大學的小故事真是太棒了!那一年他選修一門很重要的課,他在期中考試上,他的教授給他成績打了 B-。他感到非常驚訝,就立即去找他的教授,展示他的準備材料來證明他對這門課程的札實學習,并且有自己準備的模擬测驗题。經過溝通後,他的教授確信港生對這門課有深入的暸解。你猜怎麼著?他的教授把成績改成了A。一九七五年港生獲得土木工程博士學位後他又回到軍校,一九八二年港生以上校軍銜榮譽退伍结束了他廿年軍旅生涯,重新進入平民生活。
烏華奎 撰寫 (7/13/2024)
Sharing by Maggie Wang
My name is Maggie. I met Mr. and Mrs. Kuo after moving to Albany. They and my mother became instant friends shortly after my mom moved in with me. The couple is not only kind and warm hearted but also very hilarious. Susan introduced herself as the Dragon Singer’s Door Woman (responsible for opening and closing doors), and her husband as the chairman (in charge of moving chairs). Later I learned Susan is an excellent cook and shared with me not only recipe but also her food. Her freshly baked bread is incredibly fragrant, and tea eggs are the best I’ve ever had. Susan thinks and talks fast and Mr. Guo smiles and occasionally chimes in. Susan also loved my braised beef shank (酱牛腱子)and she said her whole family loves it.
In my backyard, there is a tall avocado tree, and Susan and I researched online how to ripen avocados. One day I've got a call from her. She sounded very exciting as she succeeded. Also Mr. and Mrs. Kuo enjoy taking walks, from their home to the end of Adams. I often saw them talking from my home and sometimes we chat a little bit whenever possible. After work, I also like to go for walks. Sometimes I see Mr. Kuo sitting outside in his porch. I say hi and he used two fingers to mimic walking. and that still remains vivid in my mind.
There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart"
分享 - Maggie Wang 女士
我是搬到Albany后认识郭先生夫妇的。他们和我母亲became instant friends. 他们两夫妇不但和蔼亲切还很风趣。郭太太介绍自己是Dragon Singer的Door woman (负责开门锁门),先生是chairman (搬椅子的)。 Susan厨艺了得,教我用微波炉做菜, 她做的刚出炉的面包超香,茶叶蛋是我有生以来吃过最好吃的茶叶蛋。 Susan总是快人快语,郭先生总笑眯眯偶尔插句话。Susan也毫不掩饰喜欢我做的酱牛肉腱子,说她们全家都喜欢。 我后院有棵高大的 avocado tree, 我俩就上网研究 how to ripe avocado。有一天她突然给我打电话,兴奋地告诉我她成功了。
郭先生和郭太太俩人喜欢散步,从家走到End of Adams。 我经常看到她们从我门前过。有机会就聊上两句。下班后我也喜欢出去走路,有时看到郭先生在门外坐着,他看到我用两根手指比划走路的样子, 至今依然显现在我脑海里。
Words by Venerable Chueh An 開示 覺安法師
Venerable Chueh An, Managing Director of the American Buddhist Cultural Society in Fremont.